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Saturday, December 3, 2016

From July to December

A lot has happened. I changed jobs, to one that takes over an hour to drive to. Now I have little time for anything extra, so my couple months break has become a forced split with my story. I hope that I can get some lifestyle changes happening, so I can pickup my book again, but I haven't landed on my feet yet. I have been doing less graphic design, and added audio editing to my skills, among other varied skills, and I went with people at my new work to Las Vegas for an eLearning convention.

I have sketched several new pages for the book on my ipad  . . . I just haven't had time for inking. Hoping to show real progress soon, but I like where the story is improving, anyway.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Latest Chapter of Uendyr, the Creativity Machine

I completed the second chapter of my graphic novel, and it is double the length of the first chapter. I can see development in my skills since the first chapter, and feel that it is closer to what I have dreamt for it. Still a long way to go, to complete 8 chapters for the final book. I stopped putting it on Tumblr, because it has to be reviewed backwards, like Deviantart. It is completely on Deviantart, but very few people have seen it and even fewer have made any comments.
I am taking a couple months off from it to read some good books and plan improvements for the format of Chapter Three.